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Throughout the month of July 2017, BUFU organized daily pop-up programming focused on collective organizing and how build together through art, healing, activism, and nightlife.


The theme of collective organizing was divided into four parts, each week highlighting different types of collectives; Nightlife Collectives (Ragga, Haute Sauce, Femmepremacy), Healing Collectives (Brotherhood Sister Sol, QTPOC Mental Health Initiative, Harriet’s Apothercary), Art Collectives (Art Hoe Collective, Get Artists Paid, South Asian Diaspora Artists Collective), and Organizing Collectives (BWA for BLM, Brooklyn Anti-Gentrification Network).


Continuing the vision of multi-faceted programming to allow for multiple entry-points to the conversation of solidarity, each day was dedicated to a different theme- BUILD WITH US, WATCH WITH US, LEARN WITH US, CREATE WITH US, EAT WITH US, CELEBRATE WITH US. With the intention of increasing accessibility, programming was held in a variety of spaces throughout each borough of NYC, including community centers, museums, bars, rooftops, and basements.

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